With the current economic situation, I perk up to clever ways for moms and dads to get toys or creative play items for less.
Over the weekend we ate dinner at 4 year-old Piper and 2 year-old Sam’s house (with their parents of course). Shortly after we arrived, Piper called to me, “Mr. Cherry, I want to show you my room.” We went upstairs to a cozy little girl’s room and she immediately turned off her light and switched on her new flashlight. She had a wonderful time flashing it around in the dark, showing me the highlights of her room.
Mom explained that they got the flashlight at the town’s recycle center that day. There is always a pile of free toys to take. This family brings in the toys they no longer use and “trades” them in for a “new” treasure to take home. What a great creative toy a flashlight is. You can read We’re Going on a Bear Hunt and then have a pretend bear hunt through the house–with the flashlight of course. Go under the covers at night and read a book with the flashlight–a first camping experience without the bugs.
What ideas do you have to save money on toys and kid’s items? Share in the comment below.