I included the Circo Frog Tent from Target as one of my selected items for holiday giving. Since we celebrated Christmas as a family at Thanksgiving when we were all together, I can report on the success of the Frog Tent! According to Will’s mom, even his great grandmother, Nanny, has crawled in there with him. The tent has been up since Thanksgiving and is used for collecting all his toys, hiding with his brother and playing with Daddy since the pirate ship, dinosaurs and airport were all dragged inside.
Will especially likes the feature where he can zip himself inside, feeling very hidden from the rest of the world!
Pretend play builds language as children invent a world of make believe. Is the tent a house, ship, kitchen or fairy land? Watch them collect props to support their theme and play along with your child, following her lead and supporting with language.
Teachers and speech therapists, this is a real bargain for around $20 at Target. I know what school budgets are like so here is good value for the money!