Many of you e-mail me with tips and ideas that bring out language in your preschoolers. I appreciate ideas from moms who are out experiencing life with their little ones daily. Here is a recommendation for a snack that can stimulate language learning:
“Hi, Sherry,
I got a new snack for Alexandra at the grocery store this week that is SO cute and great for language. They are called Bug Bites by Keebler. Basically, they are graham crackers in the shape of different bugs including a butterfly, caterpillar, ladybug and firefly. The great thing about them is that they look like real bugs, so they are a great conversation piece. They are also a healthy snack — good source of whole grains and calcium (taste good too I might add).
Just wanted to pass this along as a possible tip for moms! Alexandra LOVES bugs so they are a huge hit in our house!”
So snack on and talk before you bite!