Who let the Cat in the Hat back in the house? This sojourner of silliness has arrived to play a game guaranteed for fun and learning. Flip over a red, blue and yellow card to get your instructions for wacky maneuvers like, “Slide under the Trick-a-ma-stick with a fish under your chin!” Or, “Take four giant steps with the cake between your elbows!” Learn colors, numbers, prepositions, counting in order, problem-solving and following directions to complete your challenge. Announce if you think, “I can do that,” or toss back your cards and get an activity you feel confident to complete. Step, spin, crawl, walk, or tip-toe to success.
Inspired by the book and using game pieces from the story, “The Cat in the Hat-I Can Do That!” challenges kids while getting them moving, laughing at themselves, encouraging others to succeed, and playing independently. Every funny step involves learning–even putting the three instruction cards together is a mini-puzzle that has to be right for the directions to make sense.
Sherry Artemenko, MA-CCC, is a speech-languge pathologist with more than 35 years experience and founder of Playonwords.com. The opinions expressed in this review are solely those of the author. “The Cat In the Hat, I Can Do That” was provided for review by I Can Do That Games. For more information about this product, please visit www.icangothatgames.com.