Tomorrow, April 2, is World Autism Awarenness Day! Autism affects 1 in 110 children and 1 in 70 boys. Celebrate the day by learning more about autism and its signs on Autism Speaks, or contribute to current research funds by participating in the many community activities to raise awareness.
If you are out tonight and notice your city lit up blue, that is part of the Autism Speaks’ “Light it Up Blue” campaign on the eve of World Autism Awareness Day. According to their website, “participating buildings include: The Empire State Building, the New York Stock Exchange and Radio City Music Hall in New York,; the new Meadowlands football stadium in New Jersey; Willis Tower (formerly the Sears Tower) in Chicago; the Benjamin Franklin Bridge in Philadelphia; Toronto’s iconic CN tower; Kingdom Tower in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; and the Bell Tower in Perth, Australia.” That is pretty impressive!