Once again, I saw the advantages of having a ittle Play-doh on hand.
One of my more creative players, Duncan, was setting up his Playmobil boat, van and trailer, As he was requesting the Mom figure and then the Dad to be seated in the front of the van, he started to ask for a CD. I looked at his mom since this was totally out of context. No one had been talking about a CD, but Duncan listens to them in the car so he wanted one in his pretend sequence.
His mom who is a wonderful “producer” of his play disappeared and returned with a can of Play-Doh, a large piece of paper and some crayons. She said, “Duncan, would you like to make your CD out of paper or Play-Doh? He chose the Play-Doh and went ahead and took a little square of it and mashed it against the dashboard! He had inserted his CD for playing:)
Later the Play-Doh was used to make a lake and a pile of rocks when the family disembarked from the boat to collect rocks.
Once again, my favorite toy added to the story line and allowed expansion to new themes for play.