People ask me what I do with all the toys that are submitted for a PAL Award after I have reviewed them. That actually is a fun part of my job since I give some to the tester families but the majority I donate to teen moms or disadvantaged kids. Last year I took many toys and games to the speech therapist in a neighboring town near public housing projects. The kids were so appreciative as well as the therapist. Some toys went to a local program for kids through third grade that involves after school tutoring, and free Christmas gifts picked out by the parents.
Today I spoke to teen moms at an alternate high school in Norwalk, CT. It is one of my favorite things to do. I brought books and toys (and Dominos bacon pizza and cookies!) and we had a great discussion on how to read and interest their kids in books. The moms were so interested in what to do at each stage of development and were doing a great job of reading to their kids.