imgres-4I have discovered some wonderful art projects that kids have loved called Artzooka! Crazy name, I know, but that just shows how creative they are AND each set is only $3.99. Let’s start with their “Recycle Sticker Creations” by Wooky Entertainment which is a pad of 250 stickers to attach to recyclables to create a submarine from a plastic bottle, castle and pirate from toilet paper tubes, a turtle from a paper plate or a house from a paper cup, to name a few.  Each creation brought an opportunity for creative play and language learning. Batman hid in our completed castle while the submarine sailed through the house with appropriate sound effects. Have this on hand for creative fun.

imgres-5“Artzooka! Surprise Match Boxes”: This kit even surprised me at how creative it was! A 5 year-old boy assembled the boxes, added the insert for the mouth, glued on noses, ears and bows to make a monkey, dog and robot puppet. The clever design takes this craft kit to pretend play as the outer box slides up, revealing a panting dog’s tongue, robot teeth or a monkey eating a banana. As you slide the box down, it reveals the robot’s mechanical brain. Tell a story with your puppets or hide your special treasures in these captivating boxes.

artzooka-artzooka-cupcake-creations_1Cupcakes are the rage so why not create with their little liners? Recommended for 5 years and up, “Artzooka! Cupcake Creations” is a kit that a 5 year-old can do with little help. My little friend followed the simple instructions to fold her cupcake liners to form a chick’s wing, turtle’s shell, butterfly wings, seahorse’s fan and a salamander’s body. She loved being the commander of the glue, included in the box, as she punched out each animal’s bright colored accessories to add to her creation. We let them dry and then it was play time as they strutted, swam and slithered guided by their creator’s imagination.

How are you spending Screen-Free Week? Let me know what has been a fun change in activity for your family.

The above is solely the opinion of the author. The products were provided for review by Wooky Entertainment